Healthy Life
we care about you
sustainable and high performance
solutions that add value to you and
make your life easier.
Health is a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.
WHO (World Health Organization)

Healthy Life
As MaxCare Health Life,
we offer you our human-oriented concepts and services to make your life healthier and more enjoyable, because we care about you ...
We shape the future on this way we started out with the vision of becoming an original and innovative world brand with international values ​​in the Health and Aesthetics sector.
We are on the way to become a company that shapes the future of Health and Aesthetics in the Global World and adds new techniques. We consider every detail separately for customer satisfaction, which is our ultimate goal, and we work to create the MaxCare Healthy Life culture.

With you in all areas of life for your health
Innovative products that
provide full protection against viruses and bacteria.

Most valuable investment in yourself
Change is the only constant in life
Let us guide you on your way to your best version inside out.

Most valuable investment in yourself
You can choose the best suitable
insurance network packages for you,
and easily reach the most accurate service options
that appeal to your budget and needs.


for a healthy life ..
MaxSafe is with You

MaxSafe protect you, your loved ones and those around you with different and effective products we have developed against viruses and bacteria with advanced technology.
Since the beginning of 2020, we have understood very well that microorganisms that we cannot see with the naked eye make our lives very difficult.
In clinical studies, MaxSafe products have proven their effectiveness on many bacteria, viruses and fungi, including serious virus families such as Corona Virus.
You can make your life safer and healthier with various MaxSafe products that we offer for you.
​This is a MaxCare - Social Responsibility
Project Contribution
Innovative products and
solutions that provide full protection against viruses

Social Responsibility

As Max Care Healthy Life we want to fulfill our duty so that the people of the world can live in better conditions than today. You can contribute to the projects we do for this purpose with your company to be a part of the solution.

Social Responsibility
Time to Share Now
Our world is going through a very difficult process and unfortunately children are the most vulnerable link of it ...
We understand them and implement our
"A Happy Future for Children" social responsibility project to
meet their needs with MaxSafe products!

Social Responsibility
Together we are stronger
With each product you buy, as MaxCare Healthy Life we aim to support people in need by donating masks and disinfectants.

Swiss Public Health
Important Informations
For Your Health
Measures and Ordinances
Information below are quoted from, Swiss Public Health Offical Website
"Measures and Ordinances" Section
for up-to-date information

Follow the official twitter account of the
Swiss Confederation Ministry of Health
Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI
Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG

Corona Virus Measures

Quarantine Period

Symptoms and Testing